Subscriber case study: Clayesmore Prep School

Heather Bignold, Librarian & Head of PSHE at Claysmore Prep School, Dorset has been a member of the Primary Resources subscription community since 2015.


Who decided to take out a subscription to Young Citizens Primary Resources and why?

My colleague and I decided to take out a subscription when we took on the co-ordination of PSHE.  We were looking for something that would get us going and would provide us with lots of resources on various topics. The subscription was reasonably priced too which was really helpful.


How does the school use the library?

We created our scheme of work after going on some PSHE Association training where we understood that our provision in this area of the curriculum should be tailored to what suits our school and our pupils best. We therefore use a range of resources to support PSHE, citizenship and SMSC learning in our school including Primary Resources lessons, ideas from the PSHE Association, resources from Coram Life Education (which support the health and drugs education aspects of PSHE) and some resources we still create ourselves in response to the pupils’ needs.


What are the benefits of the resources?

For big citizenship topics like democracy that can sometimes seem rather dry and complicated to teach, it’s really helpful to have a ready-made, engaging PowerPoint that explains things clearly for younger children. We enjoyed doing the Park and Community Centre lessons where the children had to design their own park or community centre..