Social Action

Youth-led social action - also known as community action - is about young people identifying and tackling issues to make change in their communities.

Social action is democracy in action, led by the citizens, every day. Feeling connected to your community and invested in local decision-making is key to citizenship. Young people can do this by campaigning, taking practical action, providing peer support or fundraising.

Our education team has designed resources and training to help you lead inspiring, youth-led social action projects in the local community.

Explore our range of programmes and courses below or get in touch for a chat.

In this section

Bring About Change

A youth-led social action programme for secondary and post-16 learners.

Make a Difference Challenge

A child-led social action programme that empowers some of our youngest citizens.

Introduction to Social Action for Primary Teachers (online training)

A free online training course on the importance of social action, and how to introduce the topic to children.

Getting heard: engaging with decision-makers (online training)

Explore who holds the power locally and nationally, including politicians, financial decision-makers, and other influential people such as the media and religious and community leaders

Social Action in Community Spaces (online training)

This course supports adults working with groups of children and young people wanting to makee positive changes to the places where they live.

Lessons, Community, KS2 (ages 7-11)

Make a Difference in a Day

The Make a Difference in a Day resource pack has been created for teachers who want to deliver a...