Calling our Make a Difference Challenge and Bring About Change schools and youth organisations!
Celebrating and sharing young people’s community action is a fundamental part of the Make a Difference Challenge and Bring About Change programmes. It inspires others to do similar kinds of community projects, shares good practice across the country, and reminds young people how much they have achieved.
Join our FREE zoom webinar ‘Lights, Camera, and…Social Action!’ on Thurs 28th April 4.15pm for top tips on capturing your children and young people’s community action projects on film.
Webinar will include:
– Some of the benefits of telling your story in a visual way
– Tips on how to get good footage with minimum faff
– Suggestions for editing and pulling together your recording
– Safeguarding and data protection considerations
– Ideas for alternative ways to record your story
Visit our Eventbrite page at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lights-camera-andsocial-action-tickets-290963478597 to book your place.
Email stella.baynes@youngcitizens.org with any questions or for a general chat about social action!
End Date: 28th April 2022 17:15
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