
How Do You Feel Today?


Discussion about how to spot the signs that someone is physically unwell, and who to tell, and how to spot the signs that someone is emotionally unwell. Can the same people help? Children are encouraged to look after each other’s emotional health as well as each other’s physical health.

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More Assemblies resources

Lessons, Understanding Rules & The Law, KS4 (ages 14-16)

The Big Legal Lesson 2024 (ages 11-18+)

The law affects every aspect of our lives, but children and young people rarely learn about it in the...

Assemblies, Sustainability and the Environment, KS2 (ages 7-11)

The G7 (Assembly Pack)

During this assembly pupils explore the history and function of the G7 and are introduced to the sort of discussions held at the annual G7 Summit. They learn about the…

Assemblies, Social Action/Active Citizenship, KS2 (ages 7-11)

Inspirational People – Nelson Mandela

This assembly is an introduction to the life and work of Nelson Mandela. You may like to run it in conjunction with the lesson ‘Inspirational People.’    To access this content,…

More Health and Wellbeing resources

Lessons, Health and Wellbeing, Social Action/Active Citizenship, KS3 (ages 11-14)

The Circle of Life Award

The Circle of Life Award has been set up by Disney Theatrical Productions in partnership with Young Citizens to shine a light...

Lessons, Health and Wellbeing, KS2 (ages 7-11)

Who Keeps us Healthy?

In this lesson pupils consider what being healthy means and who plays a role in keeping the population healthy. The coronavirus pandemic is given as an example of populations taking…

Lessons, Health and Wellbeing, KS1 (ages 5-7)

My Goals

In this lesson pupils will learn to set simple goals and consider the steps they can take towards achieving them. To access this content, register for our School Subscription.

More Relationships resources

Lessons, Diversity and Inclusion, KS1 (ages 5-7)

More than One Friend

In this lesson about friendship, pupils will follow the story of Digby who is upset when his best friend Anna starts spending a lot of time with someone else. Pupils…

Lessons, Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, Understanding Rules & The Law, KS1 (ages 5-7)

Keeping Safe At Home

In this lesson pupils will spot potential risks in the home. They will learn how they can help adults to keep them safe by reporting problems and keeping the home…

Lessons, Community, KS2 (ages 7-11)

My Community

During this lesson pupils consider what we mean by the word community and are challenged to think about all the different community groups they belong to and how it feels…

More KS1 (ages 5-7) resources

Lessons, Sustainability and the Environment, KS1 (ages 5-7)

Pollution: Expedition to Planet Blueball

This lesson explores the issues of pollution of our planet and sustainable power. It is based around an animated story, involving the Go-Givers characters, in which creatures from a friendly…

Lessons, Politics and Democracy, KS1 (ages 5-7)

Who Runs the Country?

In this lesson pupils explore who runs the country and how they are elected. Pupils will learn about the important role that MPs play in representing the people who live…

Assemblies, Sustainability and the Environment, KS1 (ages 5-7)

Litter: The Picnic (Assembly)

With the help of one of the Go-Givers puppets or a soft toy, this assembly highlights how the rubbish we discard can and spoil the environment and endanger wildlife. The…