Become a Friend of Young Citizens

Make it official – become a Friend of Young Citizens!

Our Friends make a monthly donation so that we can continue and expand our work to create the next generation of active citizens.

As a Friend of Young Citizens, you’ll be helping us make a real difference to the lives of young people through our UK-wide programmes.

Last year we reached just over 350,000 children and young people, which is good – but means there are many more that we don’t yet reach. For every extra £10 that our Friends donate, we can benefit an additional three more young people.

Become a Friend today

Can’t commit to a regular gift? You can make a one-off donation here too.

The difference you’ll make

Being an active Young Citizen means working together with others to make positive differences to the society in which they live – locally, nationally and globally. This process is good for them as individuals, giving them vital life skills and improved confidence, and essential for strengthening and safeguarding our society and democratic way of life.

At Young Citizens, we want young people to enter adulthood with a strong grasp of the political, legal and economic functions of society, and with the social and moral awareness to thrive in it.

“I like being a Friend of Young Citizens. The work it does is vital, and by being a Friend I know that I’m helping it support more young people.”

Martin Bostock, Friend of Young Citizens

Join us today

Click on the link above to help champion our vital work, or if you prefer to make a one-off donation to support our work click here.

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