Teacher Community

Unfortunately, we are currently not accepting applications for the Teacher Community. Please check back soon!


Who should consider this opportunity?

The Teacher Community is open to any UK educator that wants to support YC in its mission of providing robust, inspiring and well-designed resources and programmes that our teachers use with their students nationally.

We welcome subject experts, but also anyone who might oversee citizenship, SMSC, legal or related learning in their school or college. You might be contacted up to once a term for your contributions.

On average, we make around 8,800 school interventions benefitting over 1,000,000 young people a year – and it is the effort of hardworking teachers across the UK who make these interventions possible.

We are so grateful for the abundance of support we receive from passionate teachers who share our joint vision. This is why we created our Teacher Community.


What to expect 

As a member of the Teacher Community, you will work collaboratively with the Young Citizens team to provide feedback on our programmes and resources, pitch-in ideas for how we can develop our work and share your experiences of delivering citizenship education in the classroom. You will also represent your pupils, school and your local area. 

There will be a variety of ways to get involved depending on your time commitment and capacity. This may include: 

  • Completing surveys on our work such as our Primary Resources (formerly Go-Givers), the Mock Trial Competitions or our Experts in School programme;  
  • Attending a focus group to discuss a specific area of development in our work, for example, diversity and inclusion, youth wellbeing, topics of interest in the classroom and the ongoing challenges schools are facing in delivering citizenship education;
  • Helping us to review and develop our citizenship resources;
  • Providing us with case studies of how our work supports you as an educator;
  • Both citizenship and non-citizenship teachers are welcome to register, including senior leaders who champion SMSC and citizenship in their school!

All roles within the Teacher Community can be operated remotely. Your commitment may simply be to complete a survey once a month or you may choose to take on a more active role within the community. Whatever your level of commitment, you will have the potential to have a major impact on the future of citizenship education in the UK.  You can read more about being a member in our Terms of Reference.



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