

During this lesson students explore the law in relation to cases of online bullying and the actions of school students. The focus of the lesson is on what might be considered inappropriate and the potential consequences of such behaviour. This lesson can be run as a standalone topic. Alternatively, it can be run as a series of lessons alongside Social Media and the Law and Sexting and the Law.

Please note the lesson covers some potentially sensitive topics. Prior to running the lesson you will need to ensure you are up to date with your school’s safeguarding and anti-bullying policies. An information sheet on where students, parents and teachers can go if they need further help or advice with this topic has been included at the end of the resource. The final activity looks at a number of real life examples, we recommend you carefully review the language used in these examples prior to delivering the activity.


According to research by the charity Ditch the Label, 7 in 10 young people have experienced cyberbullying, 20% of whom experience it daily. Support your students to know their legal rights and responsibilities online.

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