
We Work as a Team (poster)


We recognise and celebrate each other’s skills and talents. We can achieve more when we work together.

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More Class Posters resources

Class Posters, Relationships, KS1 (ages 5-7)

We Care About How Others Feel (poster)

We try to understand other people’s thoughts and feelings. To access this content, register for our School Subscription.

Class Posters, KS1 (ages 5-7)

We Consider Other Viewpoints Before Making Up Our Minds (poster)

We speak our minds but also listen to and consider other people’s points of view. To access this content, register for our School Subscription.

Class Posters, Social Action/Active Citizenship, KS1 (ages 5-7)

We are Change-Makers (poster)

We stand up for what we believe in and use our voice for good. To access this content, register for our School Subscription.

More KS1 (ages 5-7) resources

Lessons, Sustainability and the Environment, KS1 (ages 5-7)

World Female Ranger Day (KS1)

During this lesson pupils will learn about World Female Ranger Day. Pupils will explore where the continent of Africa is and learn about its unique wildlife, and why it needs…

Class Posters, Relationships, KS1 (ages 5-7)

We Think Before We Act (poster)

We think about how our actions and words might affect other people, communities and the environment. To access this content, register for our School Subscription.

Class Posters, KS1 (ages 5-7)

We are Part of a World-Wide Community (poster)

We all play a part in caring for the world and those that live in it. To access this content, register for our School Subscription.

More KS2 (ages 7-11) resources

Classroom Toolkits, KS2 (ages 7-11)

Talking About Values in the Classroom

What’s included? A consideration of what it means to nurture children’s moral development A suggested methodology through which to...

Lessons, Sustainability and the Environment, KS2 (ages 7-11)

World Female Ranger Day (KS2)

During this lesson children will learn about World Female Ranger Day. Pupils will explore where the continent of Africa is and learn about its unique wildlife, and why it needs…

Lessons, Understanding Rules & The Law, KS2 (ages 7-11)


This lesson explores the purpose and importance of rules and offers suggestions as to how to make and display class ‘Ground Rules’. Learning activities: Where did Humpty Dumpty go wrong?…