
The Two Brothers

In this lesson pupils will read a tale adapted from an Egyptian legend which tells of the love and care which two brothers show for each other.


In this lesson pupils will read a tale adapted from Egyptian legend which tells of the love and care which two brothers showed for each other. In discussion, pupils will consider the qualities that they value in a sibling or friend and how siblings and friends can show support for one another. Pupils will conclude the lesson with two games which are designed to develop the teamwork and communication skills needed to be a supportive member of the class.
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Lessons, Politics and Democracy, KS2 (ages 7-11)

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According to research by the charity Ditch the Label, 7 in 10 young people have experienced cyberbullying, 20% of whom experience it daily. Support your students to know their legal…

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How Do You Feel Today?

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Understanding Rules & The Law, KS4 (ages 14-16)

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Certificates, KS1 (ages 5-7)

Considering Other Points of View (certificate)

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