
Why Do We Pay Taxes? (Part 2)


During this lesson pupils will learn that councils are responsible for local spending decisions and can raise additional funds for public services through council taxes. Pupils will survey residents in their area to identify the key concerns of their neighbourhood. The findings of the class will inspire a piece of artwork and/or a letter to their local council that reflects how the community want taxes to be spent in their area.

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The Government and the Economy

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Lessons, Understanding Rules & The Law, KS2 (ages 7-11)

Conflicting Rights

In this lesson pupils will revisit their knowledge of human rights to consider situations in which people’s rights may appear in conflict with one another. Pupils will debate how they…

Lessons, Understanding Rules & The Law, KS2 (ages 7-11)


In this lesson pupils will develop their understanding of the term ‘discrimination’. Pupils will consider what makes them unique and learn which characteristics are protected under the Equality Act. Pupils…

Lessons, Understanding Rules & The Law, KS1 (ages 5-7)

The Big Legal Lesson 2024 (ages 5-11)

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