During this lesson pupils recap what we mean by the term active citizen. They consider what qualities and skills an
active citizen should have and explore how these skills and qualities can be used to make a positive difference in
their classrooms.
Pupils then consider who makes up their whole school community, researching and finding out more about some
of the people within their school that they are not currently familiar with. The lesson concludes with pupils considering how, as a whole school community, they can make sure they are making a positive difference.
More Lessons resources
Caring for our Communities
In this lesson pupils will think about the importance of caring for their community and the varied caring responsibilities which are held by members of the community. They will identify…
Climate Change
Learners explore what climate change is and what is causing it. They consider who is responsible for climate change: individuals, politicians, businesses? They are then challenged to think of a…
Digital Footprints
In this lesson, pupils explore what a digital footprint is. They consider what is and isn’t appropriate to share online thinking about the impact of this information both now and…
More Community resources
Migration of People
To help you engage your students in the topic of migration Young Citizens have developed a flexible teaching resource...
Design a Community Centre
In this lesson pupils will consider the varying needs and interests of a range of fictional characters and design a community centre and activity programme that matches their requirements. …
Protecting Local Habitats (KS1)
In this lesson pupils will learn the meaning of the word habitat and have an introduction to different habitats that can be found in the UK. Pupils will examine how…
More Social Action/Active Citizenship resources
Caring for our Communities
In this lesson pupils will think about the importance of caring for their community and the varied caring responsibilities which are held by members of the community. They will identify…
Climate Change
Learners explore what climate change is and what is causing it. They consider who is responsible for climate change: individuals, politicians, businesses? They are then challenged to think of a…
Pupils consider the importance of equal representation through learning from the example of Marley Dias and her campaign for better representation of black girls in literature. To access this content,…
More KS2 (ages 7-11) resources
We Explore the World Around Us (poster)
We are open to new ideas and are always curious. To access this content, register for our School Subscription.
Where do you Stand?
Over a series of short sessions, pupils will have the opportunity to consider topical issues related to their school life. Pupils will consider the strength of arguments for and against…