Decided to do a sponsored event to raise money for charity but not sure what the sponsor form should look like? Download an example form here.
More Student Tools resources
How to Make a Persuasive Presentation
Do you care passionately about helping a certain charity or supporting a particular cause but think if more people got involved you could make an even bigger difference? How can…
Top Tips – Interview Skills
Do you fancy being a Blue Peter presenter or CBBC Newsround reporter? Would you like to learn how to interview people like a pro? Use this for hints and tips…
Creating Engaging Videos
A video can be a really powerful way to get your message across. It is easy to create and can be easily shared on social media platforms. To access this…
More Social Action/Active Citizenship resources
The G7 (Lesson Plan)
During this two lesson resource pupils learn about the G7 and take part in a mock G7 Summit meeting. During the first lesson pupils explore the history and function…
Climate Action: Circular Economies
During this lesson students explore how the economy can be used to support climate action and create a more...
Pollution: Expedition to Planet Blueball
This lesson explores the issues of pollution of our planet and sustainable power. It is based around an animated story, involving the Go-Givers characters, in which creatures from a friendly…